Contact Lenses Versus Glasses — What's Best for Your Lifestyle?

More than 4 billion people around the world have some form of vision impairment. In the United States, three out of every four people wear some sort of corrective lenses. Glasses are by far people’s top choice, but that doesn’t mean they’re right for you.
For people looking to choose new eyewear, the choices are astounding. Both glasses and contacts have pros and cons; you really can’t make a wrong choice. You simply have to decide which type of lens best fits your lifestyle.
From eye exams to prescriptions to fashion eyewear, the skilled optometrists and experienced staff at Valley Eye Professionals guide you from start to finish when it comes to your vision needs, and we can help you make a decision about glasses versus contacts. Here are some things to consider.
Glasses: Easier maintenance
Glasses require little in terms of maintenance. You should keep them in a safe place so they don’t get crushed or scratched, and clean their lenses once in a while to have a clear field of vision, but otherwise, they’re a great grab-and-go option. You never need to touch your eyes to take off your glasses, which means less risk of infection.
Contacts come in many varieties, including daily wear and monthly disposables. Some contacts need to be removed for sleep and do require soaking in special saline solution. You need to become comfortable with touching your eye to insert and remove them.
Contacts: Less vision distortion
Contacts conform to the curve of your eyes, providing a wide field of vision and less distortion than you get with glasses.
Glasses: A fashion statement
Glasses come in so many styles and can really make a statement. On the other hand, you never have to worry about contacts distracting from your outfit. Also, you can make a statement by changing your eye color with colored contact lenses.
Contacts: Better for an active lifestyle
Contacts provide a wide, unobstructed field of vision so your peripheral vision isn’t obstructed by frames. You don’t have to worry about contacts getting in the way when you’re running or biking. Contacts don’t slip when you sweat, and they can’t fall off and break. If you’re out in the rain or humidity, glasses might fog up — contacts don’t.
Both: Can adjust to the light
Photochromic lenses adjust the amount of light entering your eye. This means they get a little darker when you’re outdoors in the sunlight and turn clear at night or when you’re indoors. Photochromic eyeglasses protect your eyes, eyelids, and exterior eye from the sun’s damaging UV rays.
While glasses are a popular choice when it comes to these transitioning lenses, Acuvue®️ also offers a photochromic option in contact lenses. Now you can still benefit from the protection these lenses provide while wearing contacts.
Contacts: No obstruction of your features
You may just not like the way you look in glasses, or you may feel that the frames obstruct your best features. Certain strong prescriptions for glasses can magnify or minimize the look of your eyes. Some frames might look great but be uncomfortable, causing headaches and irritation behind your ears or on the bridge of your nose. Contacts don’t have these potential drawbacks.
Glasses: Better for dry eyes
Contacts can aggravate dry eyes. They reduce the amount of oxygen that reaches your eye and can make dry eye syndrome worse. You should avoid sleeping in your contacts unless you’ve invested in extended-wear versions. This is because sleeping in your contacts can make your eyes feel gritty, irritated, and dry.
Glasses: Better for computer workers
Working at a computer or other screen for hours at a time day after day can lead to computer vision syndrome, with symptoms such as irritated eyes, blurred vision, eye fatigue, headaches, and eye dryness. Contact lenses may contribute to symptoms of this condition, so glasses may be the way to go for you.
What about both?
Having contacts and glasses that you can switch between may be the best option. Some days you may appreciate the freedom you get with contact lenses, but other days you may just want the no-fuss of your glasses.
Even if you do wear contacts most days, it’s a good idea to have a pair of glasses to wear should you come down with an eye infection or if your eyes just need a break for a day or two.
At Valley Eye Professionals, we’re ready to help you make your choice and find just the right lenses for you. Call today to make your appointment, or book online so we can walk you through the wide variety of contact lens and eyeglass options to best fit your lifestyle.
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