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Protect Yourself Against Dry, Itchy Eyes This Spring

When spring rolls around, you may find yourself appreciating the beautiful weather but not enjoying the dry, itchy eyes that come with the season.

Don’t just assume you have allergies when eye irritation flares up, however. The symptoms that accompany seasonal allergies and chronic dry eye can be similar. It’s important to get an accurate diagnosis so you can receive appropriate treatment for your condition.

At the office of Valley Eye Professionals — a full-service eye care facility in the Studio City areas of Los Angeles — we diagnose and treat your eye symptoms. Proper, advanced treatment can even ward off a miserable season.

When dry, itchy eyes mean allergies

Seasonal allergies usually arise, well, seasonally. If your eyes are irritated just in the fall and spring — typical high-pollen times — it’s reasonable to assume your suffering is due to allergies.

It’s common for allergies to make your eyes feel dry and gritty. They may itch and look red. Allergies can also cause nasal congestion along with the eye irritability.

Signs of dry eyes vs. allergies

Dry eye syndrome usually occurs because of inadequate tear production or poor-quality tears. The irritation that comes with dry eye syndrome may be mistaken for seasonal allergies. You may feel the same grittiness, dryness, and redness associated with allergies, but dry eyes tend to make your eyes burn and sting instead of itch.

Other symptoms that suggest you have dry eye syndrome include:

Dry eye syndrome symptoms may develop or get worse as you age.

Why it’s important to get an accurate diagnosis

Dry eyes is a serious condition that, if left untreated, can lead to eye infections or long-term damage to your vision. Certain allergy medications can also make dry eyes worse.

It’s possible to suffer from dry eyes and allergies at the same time. Allergies make your dry eyes worse, so you definitely want an effective medication that doesn’t further worsen dry eye symptoms.

Other possible causes of irritation

Dry eye syndrome and allergies aren’t the only causes of irritated, itchy eyes. You may have a chronic infection or contact lenses that don’t fit you correctly. Avoid self-diagnosing your condition. Make an appointment at our office to get relief with the right treatment.

How we can help

Allergy treatment may be as easy as avoiding triggers, such as minimizing outdoor activity when pollen and mold levels are high. You may also benefit from allergy medicines. 

We can run appropriate tests to make an accurate diagnosis. If you don’t have allergies and your complaints are due to dry eyes, our optometrists can develop a custom treatment plan for you. Chronic dry eyes benefit from prescription artificial tears, punctal plugs, or eye shields.

Visit Valley Eye Professionals before spring strikes to prevent symptoms from starting. Whether you’re bothered by seasonal allergies or dry eye syndrome that’s exacerbated by the season, getting treatment now means a healthier, more comfortable spring. Call our office or use our online request tool today to schedule your appointment.

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