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The Many Benefits of Multifocal Contact Lenses

Multifocal contact lenses are specially designed with different power zones to correct multiple vision problems. This makes them especially beneficial to people with presbyopia, an age-related near vision problem, who also have near-sightenedness or astigmatism.

This isn’t the only advantage offered by multifocal contacts. The optometrists at Valley Eye Professionals in the Studio City area of Los Angeles recommend these contact lenses because they offer numerous benefits for patients.

A singular correction

Instead of needing to juggle readers, glasses for distance, and possibly standard contact lenses, too, multifocal contact lenses help you see clearly in all situations. You have good near vision (without glasses) and clear far vision as well.

Allow for an active lifestyle

It’s easier to be active and mobile when wearing multifocal contacts compared to glasses. If you run or play sports, multifocal contact lenses are superior to glasses. Contact lenses also offer better peripheral vision so you can see up, down, and to the side easily.

Better comfort

Glasses can become uncomfortable. They slip when you sweat, and they may tug at the back of your ears or put pressure on the bridge of your nose.

Preferred look

Glasses can distract from your features. Some people just prefer the way they look in contact lenses.

Better computer vision

Viewing a computer while wearing glasses can be a challenge. Many people find they need to tilt their head back slightly to get the clearest view of their screen. This isn’t true when you’re wearing soft multifocal lenses. 

Lots of wear options

Valley Eye Professionals offers multifocal contacts in both soft and rigid gas permeable versions. The lenses may be designed for daily wear or overnight wear, depending on your particular needs. We even offer one-day disposable multifocal lenses so you don’t have to worry about lens care at all.

Correction for astigmatism

The newest formulations of soft and gas permeable multifocal lenses can even correct for astigmatism. They use a toric lens design that achieves the proper rotational positioning on the eye to create clear vision. 

How multifocal lenses work

Not all multifocal lenses work the same way, but they usually follow one of two designs:

Simultaneous vision lenses

Simultaneous vision lenses have distance and near vision zones on the same lens. You may need a little time to adjust, but your eyes learn to utilize the segment of the lens that they need for focusing on the desired object and to ignore the other parts of the lens.

Simultaneous vision lenses may have a concentric ring design, in which one vision power is surrounded by another — much like a bulls-eye. Extra rings can be added to create a trifocal or multifocal lens. The width of each ring depends on the power that’s needed most, and the edges of the rings can be blended for a smooth transition of focus.

Aspheric design lenses are less popular, but their intention is to give you a natural vision experience. Vision powers are blended across the surface of the lens. Your eye adapts and focuses on the area of the lenses needed to see the object you want to see.

Translating or alternating vision lenses

These multifocal lenses have distinct areas, or zones, on the lens. Each zone features a different power, and your eye naturally focuses on the area needed to meet your vision needs. Usually, the top of the lens is for distance vision and the bottom area is for near vision. 

Are multifocal contact lenses right for you?

Here at Valley Eye Professionals, we can help you determine which type of multifocal contact lens works best for you. We can also help you with the short adjustment period as you get used to your new way of seeing. Call today for an appointment, or use our online tool to schedule. 

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